
Jato Je in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Vanaver Caravan

The Mystery:  Based on the Ancient Irish poem by Amergin, Music: Julia Haines

Thunder: Perfect Mind, Chennai Storytelling Festival

Wild Wisdom: The Hummingbird Blessing  2021

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The Charge of the Goddess: Equinox 2020

Eritokritos, Maria Kopanaki, Vocals, Paros, Greece 2019

Perfect Mind, 2003, presented by Igni Vox, Tivoli, NY

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WINDHARP at the Ashokan Reservoir Julia Haines Harp + Wind playing the Harp, Sue Pilla Flute Forever

A song celebrating a nuclear free planet performed by it’s author, Mighty Xee and accompanied by Julia Haines (harp) and Sue Pilla (flute).  This video was recorded by Nancy Cain for the Night Owl Show in Woodstock, NY.

The National Anthem Sign off for the Night Owl Show